Paying it Forward

Let’s be real, a lot of these kids have legitimate reasons to be focused on their own situations, these kids that will never have a “normal” life. But I have seen some of the coolest and most selfless things coming out of these kids.

Updates: Where Have I Been?

I’ve been absent for a while, so I wanted to take some time to update everyone on life in the Food Allergy Dad house.

Somersaults Sunflower Seed Crunchy Bites

Sometimes, you want something more than chips. Maybe more substantial, maybe something with more flavor, maybe just something different. This is when we turn to Somersaults!

Earth Balance VEGAN Cheddar Squares

A mainstay snack for kids (and let’s face it, for a lot of adults) is cheese crackers. Cheez-Its, Cheese Nips, Better Cheddars… I have always loved them. And working in the nursery at our church has seen me giving lots of cheese crackers to lots of little kids during snack time. For those with a dairy restriction,…

Blogger Recognition Award

Heartfelt thanks to Roda at for the Blogger Recognition Award!  If you haven’t seen her blog yet, do yourself a favor and check it out.  She has beautiful photography and a passion for her farm/gardening life that is very engaging. The Rules Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link to their blog. Give…

Teal Pumpkin Project

It’s October, the time when the minds of little ones (and not-so-little ones) turn to the fun and festivities of Halloween.  Whether Halloween parties at school, trick-or-treating with friends, or doing Trunk-n-Treat/Harvest Festival at a local church, it’s a time of costumes, fun, games, and most importantly… CANDY! I loved Halloween as a kid.  I…

Chocolate Avocado Mousse

My world has been turned upside down.  2+2= yellow and I’m totally ok with that. I’m pretty sure that I’m one of the only people in the country that doesn’t like avocado.  I know all the health benefits, and I know it’s super popular, but I just can’t get over the taste. Blasphemy, I know….